
Woodanilling Primary School
Woodanilling has only one school in it’s district. The Woodanilling Primary School is located in Carlton Street, Woodanilling and caters for years kinder to 4
The Woodanilling School community are very close and provides an excellent one-on-one learning experience. On average the school has approximately 20 children spread between the years.
Nature Of The Catchment Area
Woodanilling Primary School is a Level 3 school in the Wheatbelt Education Region.
The school draws its students from the townsite itself and from the area west of the town between the Great Southern Highway and Albany Highway. Students living north to Boyerine and south to Moojebing are also included in the school's catchment area.
Staffing Profile
Principal - 1.0 FTE
Early Childhood Teacher - 1.0 FTE
Teacher (LOTE - Italian) - 0.04 FTE
Education Assistants (2) - 1.4 FTE part-time
Manager Corporate Services - 4 days per week
Gardener - 16 hours per week
Cleaner - 15 hours per week
Bus Warden - 10 hours per week
A number of outside agencies are also available on a needs basis. These include:
- Curriculum and Student Services teams from Narrogin Local Education Office and Wheatbelt Education Regional Office
- Speech Therapist
- School Nurse
- Occupational Therapist
Special Features Of The School
- One fully air-conditioned, permanent classroom including a separate general purpose teaching area that is utilised for the Kindergarten and Pre Primary programs.
- A fully automated library recently constructed as part of the Federal Government's Building the Education Revolution
- Solar power panels located on BER building, provide power for school
- Administration Block.
- Staffroom.
- A teacher resource room
- Lunch shed.
- 2 storage sheds utilised by the Gardeners and Cleaner for equipment.
- 2 general-purpose storage sheds for sports equipment, excess furniture, resources and archives.
- Well maintained gardens and playground areas with access to the local community recreation complex and town oval.
- Computer to student ratio is 1:1 with all classroom computers connected to the Internet.
Programs Offered:
Woodanilling Primary School offers a Rural Integration Program for children of Kindergarten age through to Year Four. This ensures a very easy transition from Pre-primary to the more formal primary years.
All eight learning areas are taught at the school with an emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy. Specialist programmes include LOTE (Italian), Physical Education and Technology and Enterprise.
School Decision-making And Consultation Processes
Woodanilling Primary School is supported by parents and community members through the Parents and Citizens Association and School Council. Throughout the year the P & C holds a number of fundraising activities and supports the school through their involvement in Busy Bees, Sporting Carnivals and other events. If you would like to join the P & C or School Council, please contact Bindi Murray on 0409 347 299.
School History
In 2002 the school celebrated '100 Years of Education in Woodanilling'. Other schools which operated in the past in the Shire of Woodanilling included Kenmare, Westwood, Dowering, Boyerine and Cartmeticup.
Schooling first commenced in the Agricultural Hall on September 15th 1902 with an enrolment of 13 children. A new timber schoolhouse was built and classes commenced in it in 1906. As student numbers were increasing, a second classroom was built in 1912. Student numbers had built up
to a peak in 1914 when approximately 80 pupils attended the school.
On Friday night, July 2nd 1949, the school was burnt down. Schooling was held in the Hall until the new school was completed in 1951. The new school was now a one room, one teacher school as it was decided to send the older children to Katanning to complete their education.
Currently the student year levels range from Kindergarten to Year Four.
For more information on the Woodanilling Primary School please call during school opening hours on 9823 1528
School After Woody
Following the completion of Year 4 at the Woody School, students have access to school bus routes to Katanning, which have three Primary Schools and one District Senior High School.
School Bus routes also cater for children who live in the vicinity to Wagin and Kojonup Schools.
Katanning also have two Pre Primary Schools as well as a TAFE Centre.
To obtain additional information on our educational facilities, refer to the Education Department's website Department of Education
Woodanilling Playgroup
Playgroup meetings are held every Thursday at the Woodanilling Pavilion 9:30am. We currently have a Facebook messenger group for existing members to stay connected and a WHATS App Group. If you would like to enquire or join, please contact Kahlia 0439 754 391 or Brooke 0437 313 060. Alternatively visit the public Facebook page called Woodanilling Playgroup.