Community Events Funds
Council allocates $ in the budget for community events which foster community spirit and welfare, as a way of continuing the intention of the Dry Season Assistance Scheme.
Woodanilling Community Events Fund
To maintain and build on Woodanilling’s vibrant community spirit and welfare by providing financial support for local events which involve people coming together in the celebration and enjoyment of their culture or a common interest.
The Shire will offer two (2) funding rounds in each financial year:
- Round 1 Applications open 1 May and close on 30 June for events occurring between 1 August and 31 December; and
- Round 2 Applications open 1 July and close on 30 November for events occurring between 1 January and 30 June.
- Not-for-profit and Incorporated groups can apply for funds to help run Woodanilling events which contribute to social and community welfare, economic, environmental, health, education or cultural areas.
- Events should try to involve people from different organisations as well as encouraging individuals who might not normally get involved in events. Council actively encourages the collaboration of different groups to achieve the same outcome.
- Events should treat individuals equitably and with respect and have regard to Council’s adopted Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
- All funding applications should be submitted on Council’s official application form.
- A full event budget is required to be submitted with each funding application including quotes if available.
- Event organisers are to make all reasonable endeavours and arrangements to ensure their event is conducted safely, responsibly and appropriately.
- Funding is not be used to buy alcohol, to fund inappropriate activities or to fund capital purchases.
- The financial support provided by the Shire of Woodanilling is to be acknowledged in all promotional material for the event.
- An advance payment of 80% of the approved funds may be paid to the organising group upon approval of funding.
- The remaining 20%, or balance of approved funding whichever is the lower, will be paid on receipt of a written acquittal statement detailing how the funds were spent with appropriate receipts.
- If the organising body is not registered for GST, the funding amount requested should include GST.
- If the organising body is registered for GST, the funding amount requested should not include GST. The organising body is responsible for reclaiming any GST on its Business Activity Statement.
- Organisations and clubs are not to expect, as a right, any financial assistance from the Council, as requests can only be considered in respect to the overall priorities of other events within the Shire, and are subject to the availability of finance. Council reserves the right to refuse any funding.
- The event organising body is responsible for all aspects of their event, and nothing in these guidelines makes the Shire of Woodanilling responsible for any aspect of the event.
Download an Application Form